Monday, June 21, 2010

To train up a cooking that is!

Inspired by a recent visit to the In laws house my daughter really wanted to cook today.
We had already planned to do food lessons all summer long now that school was out but we started earlier then planned now.
So thank you cousin J for your inspiration and the yummy chocolate chip cookies!
Oh and did I mention cousin J is a lovely 10 yr old girl! :)

G (my 9 yr old) has made food without adult help in the past, nothing elaborate just your basic Kraft Man n' Cheese though I now prefer to give them the Annie's Homegrown brand only because it's all organic and much healthier then the other types.
She can also scramble up a mean egg and has started on pancakes though those still need some work.

Today however she made brownies for us, granted they are not from scratch just the boxed kind but she did it alone and got everything assembled and put together without mom reminding her what goes where.
She got a quick lesson in being careful while leaning over to put a pan in a hot oven (ouch moment!) no burns just a bit of warmth. I believe every kid needs to learn this lesson, maybe not completely the "hard way" but enough that they know not to reach willy nilly into a hot oven!
Right now the delicious smell of double chocolate funfetti brownies is wafting through the house as we anxiously await a bit of their gooey goodness!
Here's hoping she remembers how and when take them out when the buzzer goes off!

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