Sunday, June 26, 2011

Smooth summer nights

This all started because I really wanted a milk shake but did not have ice cream, nor did I NEED to have ice cream in the house for my healths sake! :)
After experimenting with amounts of yogurt and what fruit I had on hand here is my fruit smoothie recipe that I enjoyed this evening and shared with the family!

1 cup frozen halved strawberries
1/2 cup frozen mango chunks
3 halves of my home made jarred peaches (that will be another post!) :)
1/4 cup of peach juice from jarred peaches
1/2 cup of low fat strawberry yogurt

Because I use frozen fruit for the most part I do not need to add ice to make this of milk shake or frozen smoothie consistency obviously.
My wonderful blender has a "frozen drink" setting on it and I just use this, but basically is does it on medium/slow/medium/high to chop and mix it all really well.
I also use all organic or natural products so this is good for me and the local community as I prefer to buy from farmers markets or support USA goods!

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